God's Word Shown

Scripture Reading - 1 Samuel 9:27 – 10:1 KJV

9:27 And as they were going down to the end of the city, Samuel said to Saul, Bid the servant pass on before us, (and he passed on,) but stand thou still a while, that I may shew thee the word of God.
10:1 Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance?

Today’s study on “seeing God’s Word” is very interesting because it approaches God’s Word on a slightly different angle. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is many people think of God’s Word as something to read and/or something to understand but God’s Word is a Person. Yes, the Person of Jesus Christ Himself is the Holy Word of the Lord. As we look at 1 Samuel 9:27 we notice that Samuel gave Saul some specific instructions, such as “stand still a while”. Most of the stories in the Old Testament stand as practical examples and/or physical types of the spiritual Kingdom of God manifested in the New Testament today for the born again Christian. “Stand thou still a while” could basically represent our time in prayer unto God and/or our constant meditation upon the things of God. Samuel represented the Prophet of God in the Old Testament and the Prophet of God usually had more keener insight into what was coming up in the future concerning God and the people upon the earth. We would consider the office of the prophet Samuel today very similar to what the Holy Spirit does for us on a regular basis. In the Old Testament having one-on-one time with the prophet of God was only experienced by certain select (privileged) individuals. The common Israelite didn’t have an opportunity to personally fellowship with the Man of God unless it was an emergency or the circumstances just worked out that way. However today in the New Testament, in which we live, we have access to the Holy Spirit our divine Teacher and Constant Counselor twenty four (24) hours a day and all seven (7) days of the week. Therefore we must be willing and obedient to stop for a while to acknowledge His Presence and His Lordship over our lives. Notice in this same verse (verse 9:27) Samuel made a bold statement, “I may shew (show) thee the word of God”. This is not a question but rather a define statement not to be overlooked by the casual reader. When Samuel said “show” we could use the word “reveal” because Samuel was actually speaking to Saul about more than just the exchange of words but rather an introduction to the Ways of God or we could say the Personality of God. Most people in the earth need to know more than just what God said, but rather they really need to know who God is on a personal basis. For to know God is to Love God in heart whereas to physically hear about someone you don’t know might not have any effect on your heart (or soul). Saul had no idea about what was about to happen in his life so Samuel said in a simple to understand way, “let me help understand how God does things and you will need to learn to think on a higher level to have more fellowship with God”. This is why the words of the 1 Samuel 10:1 should be interpreted together with the context of the previous verses. When examining 1 Samuel 10:1 we see the first word is “Then” which implies it happened immediately after the previous action. So we (ihlcc) believe that this word “Then” was an action preformed right after Samuel told Saul, “I may show you the Word of God”. Symbolically this means that to see Jesus, Thee Living Word of God, being filled with Holy Ghost (The Holy Spirit) is crucial. Samuel didn’t wait to pour the oil upon Saul after the large ceremony where Saul was introduced as the king of Israel (1 Samuel 10:24) no Samuel gave Saul all the substance he needed before the large announcement. Typically the Lord God will give you what you need inwardly before you outwardly step-up into a new office because you desperately need that inward substance (the full anointing) to perform well in that new office. Next we noticed that Samuel kissed Saul to signify that God loves you. God’s personal love for you is always the core message of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. A kiss from God is the calling card of love to send the message that no matter what happens in the future My Love for you shall never fail. We have to understand that God’s sweet love is not only our motivation but it is also our revelation of Who God Is! We understand that because God loves us so much He was willing and obedient to die for us and that gives us the inspiration to suffer (when necessary) for those we love too. So in summary, be ready to slow down for God, to be in the proper position to listen to the Holy Spirit while He reveals to you the Holy Word of God. This must happen together because it would be foolish to think that just reading God’s Word apart from the wisdom of the Holy Spirit will be productive for you. Yes, we (ihlcc) are stating that to properly understand God’s Holy Word you need the Holy Spirit and not just a little measure of the Holy Spirit but rather the whole bowl full so-much-so that He (the Anointing of God) is running over you beyond measure. Just like Samuel showed Saul things to come, the Holy Spirit will show you things to come. Just like Samuel introduced Saul into God’s Calling upon his life the Holy Spirit will also introduce you into God’s specific calling upon your life. However, the most important concept for you to glean out of this short study is that as Samuel “showed Saul the Word of God” and ways of God our Precious Holy Spirit of God will also “show you the Person of God’s Word (Jesus Christ)” and exactly how He operates in this world today continuing into the world to come. Remember, God had a plan for Saul even before Saul knew God’s plan and likewise God has a plan for you even if you don’t know it yet. So slow down to spend some time with the Holy Spirit inside of God’s Word to be introduced to a higher level in Christ just like Samuel took Saul to higher level in God. Amen!